I've been wanting to draw this scene for a loooooong time.

I figured, instead of taking a bunch of little breaks, it would be better just to get the big one out of the way early in the season, and build up a buffer before posting again. I've also dropped the third update day, so that there's a little more time to polish them up, and still work on other projects.

MOROCHEY will be updating Tuesdays and Thursdays from now on.

Additionally, I'll be working on a webcomic on the side, off and on. It's a good vs. evil, monster movie type comic, mostly done in black and white. I've had the story in my head ever since I shed my first tear over sparkly teen vamps in twilight. :P

Since that one's meant to be more of a bulk-read sort of thing, it's going to update sporadically, and probably not very frequently. The goal is to get a decent chunk of it done by the time Halloween rolls around. If you'd still like to check out what I've got so far (Only a few pages as of now) you can go to

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