Happy Star Wars Day!

Star Wars fans, be sure to wave your hand at automatic doors, pretend to force-choke that guy who cut you off in traffic, breathe like Vader over the phone, or do whatever else you can think of this May Fourth to honor our favorite galaxy far, far away!

May the Fourth be with you!

 For my part, today, Eva uses "The Force" (okay..  not really the force, but that sounds starwarsy right?) to sense Darius Typhoon's presence. But where is it really leading her? Don't worry, peeps, there IS a logical explanation for this.

In other news, this strip was a wee bit trickier to arrange than usual. It took a lot of tweaking of panels, layers, and text bubbles to get it to flow just right. If you're interested in learning more, keep an eye peeled on my blog, The Merry Lurker's Workshop,  for an incoming post about utilizing layers in digital art. This page will be used as an example in it.

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