Ink Outbreak Wiki

Ink Outbreak has a fledgling wiki! Check it out at, or peek below.


Wiki-ing is Addictive

I totally and completely blame myself for the missed update today. Myself, and my love of wiki.

My favorite webcomics site, Ink Outbreak, has its own brand spankin' new wiki! It's nearly blank, and there's so much to be done. The Ink forums are one of my favorite haunts, and MOROCHEY's listing on the site and banner exchange have done wonders for my little comic. So, when I found out that this community had a wiki that needed some filling out, I was instantly sucked in.

Yes, the Wiki Sirens called to me irresistibly, and behold, I followed, and crashed my metaphorical vessel into the rocky crags of Late Update territory.

Next comic goes live Tuesday.

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A Constant Battle to--

Knock Knock!
   Who's there?
Interrupting Jake.
   Interrupting Jake wh-- HEY, SKYE! I'M BACK!!

Okay, so Jake really wasn't cutting off Eva's little epilogue on purpose... though he would probably appreciate that joke.

For those who would like a memory refresher, the Keno card is what Rikana wrote her number down on.

Minor production note: I hate hands. Or rather, hated, in the past tense. Drawing them, that is. It used to be a royal pain to get them to look decent, and I dreaded that last panel, but I daresay I'm getting used to them.



Into the Chey'plaanyaere

   It is possible for more than one person to enter the same Chey'plaanyaere bubble (or pocket of space-between-space), but like most "Cheats" in the Morochey world, it's not generally to be done because of the funky results it can have.

   In this case, Sterling took advantage of the dangerous period of transition to move past some mental barriers that would have been impassible otherwise. He let his own guard down to make the connection, but since his mind was the stronger one, he ended up being the one in control.



His Mind Decayed Quickly

   There we have it. Marl Hanson was the first to crack under the stress of The Forging. Some things are taboo for a reason.... and it turns out the reason for this one was a madness resulting from the crystals being repeatedly torn away. After all, being twice as sensitive to the connection means feeling it twice as keenly when it's broken.

   A bit of a production note: The first panel was the only one I had a clear picture of in my head for weeks in advance.......  too bad I changed it at the last minute XD. The original concept was to show the children lining up in an orderly fashion to accept the sensory shields that were being handed out to them. However, I changed my mind in favor of a more disjointed scene to mesh better with the sense that things are starting to fall apart.

   It also gives us a chance to see some of the different remedies for sensory amplification in action. Eyeshades, earphones, and pills are used to help control the sight, sound, and taste/smell sensitivities. Touch sensitivities, unfortunately have no cure. Remedies for the sixth and seventh sense have varied results, and are highly subjective and flexible due to their spiritual nature. More about sensitivities will be revealed later in the story.




The repercussions of smashing a Morochey's Spirit Crystal were touched on in Season One. Master Sterling Smith, however, believes the price is worth the gains.

Also, since it's been a while, those who missed it may want to look back to #53 the comic of which this a continuation.